Ah. If it were some friend that I happened to bump into in the hall/at the tambayan who asked me that million dollar question, I wouldn't have said anything. I'd awkwardly give him a smile and fumble around for some syllables matched with a nod of head. He'd walk off thinking that I do not have a life and would make a mental note to never ask me that question again, or, heck, bother to even strike up a conversation.
But you know, even if I had truthfully answered him, the outcome would have been similar, except I'd feel lighter and he'd be bewildered at the amount of words that can come out of a girl's mouth in response to such an innocent question.
So anyway, I say read on only if you care.
Arch 21: Oh yes, design class. We were tasked to propose two schemes for our current plate, XYZ Bank (okay, just to be clear, I did not make that name up, and it's not as scoff-able as it sounds).

This is my first bank scheme. It looks kind of normal-ish and.. well, boring. But then, that's what a bank looks like! Anyway, the concept for this one was a bank that follows trends (hence the "in-flux" look of the roof) and yet is anchored in their goals and principles (i say that's what the beams/concrete columns/glass columns at the entrance mean). I thought I color-- ehm, rendered it quite well though :)

This is my second scheme. I based it off the motherboard of a computer, since the bank was supposed to be technologically updated and such. Ehm, yes i am aware they look like rainbows, but actually they are "wires" connected to "computer chips," just like the ones inside your pc. Ey? Ey?
So actually schemes include floor plans, site development, and sections, but since mine were crappy, i think you wouldn't want to waste your time on them. Yes, the plates that took away more than half of my total sleeping hours for a week are useless.
LOVE: Er, gross subtitle but anyway, I believe I fell in love this month. And then I fell horribly out of it. I think. I still do stupid things, so I guess I'm not totally free yet. Darn. I hate it!
Haha, caught you off guard, didn't I? One moment it was boring plates and then it turned into this-- anyway.
CWTS. So, I have this class I really detest. It's called CWTS. It occurs every Monday, every week through sembreak until November-who-knows-when. It is located in Cubao, held at an obscure museum, which we will eventually renovate. It sounded exciting at first, but it eats up so much time it's abnormal. Augh. I don't blame you, Vanny. I blame myself.. for believing you!
PHYSICS. So I failed my first exam. I wonder, what's the point of being in UP when you fail all the major exams anyway? :/ Right? Right?? Augh.
Aw, I didn't mean to upset you (haha come on, is it too much to ask for empathy?).
Make me smile, please. Hahaha <--yes, blatantly desperate.