First Off! The Sons of Basilio photos I owe you, Vanessa. (For those who aren't Vanessa, let me explain. One fateful day, she gave me this funny looking egg, and it turns out it has plant-fetus inside! Khewl. So now i'm raising them. This is all in lieu of my past writing <beware shameless plugging here> about an Egg Tree, which I will add, for no reason at all, is found here in my multiply.) I've been documenting their lives for the first few days, stealing shots here and there. Some weren't flattering, but there really is nothing they can do about it, is there.
Kidding! Stop experiencing mock-cardiac arrests! I drown them every single day.
Here is the demo of the 'exercise' I've been telling you about. See how they stretch to reach the light? I discovered that one day, and was quite frustrated to find that no matter where I place them, they always bend. Always. I thought this was unhealthy. So I took it upon myself to make sure that it was all...balanced. Hence, everyday I rotate them so that they wouldn't suffer from any plant-version of a stiff neck. Wonderful.
That's my arm, by the way. An arm that has been touched by Vanny's artistic genius! (Hm, well, technically, mine, because that balloon animal was my idea). But anyway, who cares about credit? Not me. So anyway, the first shot is the outer part of my arm. And initially, that was the only thing Vanny did. But *RARZORS! Vanny got this brilliant idea to draw on the other side of my arm, wherein if i twisted my arm outward (imagine that), I get to 'pop' the balloon animal. Gut-splaying galore.
*Taken from Vanny's vocabulary.
The next object you are about to see would be (according to my post) the sixth thing that had recently made me happy. The lamination. Only, it hasn't been laminated yet in this...rather bad shot. So anyway, I did this for the birthday of a friend of mine, who I fondly call 'Goldfish', 'Goldpishz', '(insert other variant),' and she calls me the same thing. Although, ever since I cut my hair, she's been calling me an 'Ex-Goldfish.' Haha. I found that pretty clever.
Vanny, I may not understand all your metaphorical riddles, but what say you to my figurative art?
*feels smug and disregards that fact that you do figurative art too*
This morning I was tasked (by my OC sister) to fix my messy papers, materials, and closet. Knowing me, (hm, well, you probably don't) I don't really care where I chuck my things, but by some strange force, I do know where they are. But then I felt sorry for my sister. She's probably strained by my mess, so I get up at 5 am this morning and resolved to fix my things. And HUZZAH!
So I sift through my childhood memorabilia (in me closet, yes) and guess what I found:
So anyway, I hope I've delighted you, even just a little :D
GWARGHGHSA YES! A POST FULL OF MYSELF! Of course I'll reply! It's it's it's ironically THE COOLEST THING EVER!
ReplyDeleteYou've actually finally posted a decent blog entry! Like in sifting through your entries, one would uncover a ton of answered SURVEYS and short stories. Now you've again posted something about your life, and directed to me too! *bathes in sunlight* *pulls you in to darken your skin*
At last, the Egg Plant! You KNEW I'd say "faw-maud-whee" with you for the hell of it. I think I should be glad you're watering it/them much, if it didn't remind me of a cactus plant I had which tinted to yellow as I loved it so much I overf--watered it. O_O
I bet they'll be scrumptious! (This is a compliment for your motherliness.)
Hee, balloon animals. I've always wanted to get you a balloon and have spikes around them. Then we could pop it in a faculty room.
COLOR! *dies and is reborn* Your unlaminated lamination is beautiful. Great job! :D *pats shaven head* The hand pose looks madly familiar though, and I can't see its relation to the goldfishies except for its rather ominous presence, that it's about to capture them (it wants them back underwater). The waves remind me of Japanese prints (bling), and the tree looks like it's tearing up the sky (dream for Basilio?). I like your green/red and orange/blue combinations; complimentary colors complement each other. 8D
Wow, an OBLIVIONBADGE. (Like all badges, they must be in all-caps. Its name refers to its present owner.) I'll put it in my bag or clench it with my right hand and show it off to everyone like how Ash is doing with his Pokeball.
Now look at my most recent album! Something you could admire while I spend today 'til next week at Dagupan. Naunahan mo lang ako sa pagpost ng pictures, but you can't keep your winning title foreverrr! Even if you've got a part of your room sorted out!
Goodness, you've pressured me so much. I WAS going to reply, and was planning to before you go online so you could know how happy I really am. Ah, the beauty of this post shall ne'er be spoiled. *o* It weel last for-eh-vah!
Thank you for making my day, and for my following weeks to boot. I'll miss you (miss me too!), and will probably smile to myself whilst walking in the streets as I gravitate the eyes of passers-by and make them wonder what's so funny. I'll try to get you bangus, maybe strawberries, or eggs if I find some on a roadside. :D
hahaha. faux-motherhood would be second on my list of favorite words (next to RARZORZ).
ReplyDelete*squeeals* i WAS trying to make the waves look Japanese!!! though i felt like i failed. I still like them though! And your comment made me like zem even moar! :D:D:D:D
YAAY. Pasalubong hahahaha. ^______^
(wow, no mockery!)
wow...eandra...I from now on will worship you...[browsed this blog last night, but was tired to comprehend actually readable and sensible texts] did all those in a span of days...I can't believe it...
ReplyDeletenice analogy between plant and space...yes...poor plants...the big ones are too domineering...and wtf on big're not the only one who thinks that's just a slice of fake life
aw, thank you merri ^____^ hm yes, what a Vanny can do to change your life.
ReplyDeletehey why not the three of us...get together...get drunk from all craziness and just be merry [okay this word was NOT intentionally put in reference to me] :))
ReplyDeletehaha, i'll pass. i'll just amuse myself with your drunken antics ^______^
aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww hahaha
ReplyDeleteYou THINK! =D
ReplyDelete*head balloons*
ReplyDeleteWe're always merry with you! (This word is intentionally put in reference to you.)
ReplyDeleteWe seem to always be drunk together anyway. :P I wonder how we'll act when we're really drunk.
I think we're going to be total opposites when we're drunk :))...quiet. laid back. and sober...not to mention eandra not ranting about how much she hates veggies :))
ReplyDeleteactually, i love veggies.
ReplyDeletei love veggies so much i don't want to eat them.
i want them to LIVE!!
(glares accusingly at offending vegetarian)
good one eanders :)) I love your witty retorts :))
ReplyDeleteI love veggies so much I consume them and allow them to be a part of me. :D
ReplyDeleteBut they don't become part of you!
ReplyDeleteThey become part of your POO!
And what makes you think they want to?
HA! Take THAT!
Do you think your hapless meat didn't feel that way before they were tortured, electrocuted, or beheaded to death? Don't you think they become a part of your--
ReplyDeleteMeh, I'm sounding like a hardcore advocate. Let's just come to terms and settle this like mature individuals, shall we? I challenge you to a duel!
*Yu-Gi-Oh music*
Hm. Must expound:
ReplyDeleteThat's what YOU think!
Oh, touche.
ReplyDeleteCorny little word pictures.
That doesn't act as a defense though, it just means we're on the same boat, except i'll be the one fishing and you're the one picking kelp and algae off the murky waters.
(Ooh, I like yo metaphor. 'Nuff said.)
ReplyDeleteAnd who could say which is the better task?
(Everyone would refer to the former. *grumbles*)
And I love seaweeds. Yum!
(Ooh, I like yo metaphor. 'Nuff said.)
ReplyDeleteAnd who could say which is the better task?
(Everyone would refer to the former. *grumbles*)
And I love seaweeds. Yum!
The sprites are from a DS lawyer game called "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney." Maybe soon it'll, for me, join the ranks of Pokemon or more. :D
The post has the feel of summer all over it. It's happy, and I love it. I'm thankful to have been friends with you, Eandra. Thank you. ^^ May we have more pleasant experiences to share. I also hope Basilio is/are fine.
ReplyDeleteOh, um. *props them up* they are fine, i assure you.
ReplyDeleteYeah, being friends with you is like being friends with eccentricity itself.
You expanded my world, i tell you.
Till we meet again!
(hopefully, not too soon. i wasn't implying a house-visit, just to be clear)
Oh, um. *props them up* they are fine, i assure you.
ReplyDeleteYeah, being friends with you is like being friends with eccentricity itself.
You expanded my world, i tell you.
Till we meet again!
(hopefully, not too soon. i wasn't implying a house-visit, just to be clear)