Sunday, December 6, 2009
The Girl With the Hands That Can Touch the World.
It glided away, upwards, as if it was filled with air instead of space rock. I, on the other hand, was still craning my neck when I realized that it was the right moment.
A life goal was within my reach.
I went outside and found the old wooden ladder in the shed. It was heavier than expected.
Eventually, after knocking down things and after three attempts of climbing up, I got there.
I actually got there. Haha, I ACTUALLY GOT THERE!
I was on top of the world. Well, my world, for that matter. The surface was slanted, but I always suspected my view to be a little off. I saw what I saw from that night in the observatory, but slightly fainter. I looked at the moon for so long that when I looked away, it was still there.
Eventually, my fingers grew cold. And every movement I made resonated a deathly creak through the fragile sheet of steel that held my body.
I gingerly made my way down.
Today we found the kitten that was lost under the roof of the house. It is now nestled quietly on my lap. I can't think of a name yet, but I know someday the right one will just suddenly pop into my head.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
You Knew I'd Blog About This.
So we walked around, right, and had dinner. You, and egg sandwich and me, soggy undercooked noodles. We had pretzels after and sat around while you tried to convince me that I'm not weird (I forgot how that conversation went). And afterwards, you found me a piano (two, actually) at Abelardo Hall and we stayed there until the not-very-nice janitor told us to go away. Also, we found an ad that says it's selling a baby grand piano. I texted the number and didn't expect a reply.
We walked a bit more and I finally saw the black kitten you were talking about. It is incredibly adorable. And loved. By it's mother. I don't think I should take it home. Then suddenly you were struck by the fantastic idea of dropping by the Observatory. You don't know how it's changed me.
We trudged deep into the night and I wondered if perhaps something sinister might befall us. But soon enough we were ensconced in the cold flourescent lights of the UP Astronomical Observatory. Awesomme. They brought out the telescope for us (it seemed pretty heavy, didn't it, and we felt a little guilty for all the trouble they had to go through, but they didn't seem irked. Perhaps they do it all the time for people). The nice astronomer
Vanessa: Astrologer ho kayo?
Man: ...
Vanessa: Ay, astronomer ho?
Man: Isa akong astronomer. Hindi ako si Madam Auring.
Me: (laughs) *makes a joke that nobody got*
showed us Jupiter, Jupiter's satellites, the star Beetlejuice (haha), the Orion nebula, the moon close up, and pointed out all the constellations. In that place at that moment, the sky seemed to come alive. It moved and beckoned and I couldn't look at anything else. The man answered all our questions, and seemed to delight in the two lost girls brimming with questions about the stars and the lightyears and the skies. We stayed there for a while and I didn't want to go (you didn't either), but it was getting late, and perhaps the astronomer might want to get back to what he was doing. So after thanking him a lot, we left waving at his sillhouette.
Then I got a text message. It was B Grand Piano. It was selling one for 450k and another one for 230k. I guess I wasn't expecting it to be 450k or 230k because I remember sputtering out my incredulity. I showed it to Vanny and she sputtered too.
"I wonder what I should reply?"
"Umm..may discount pa ho ba yan? UP student lang po ako."
Hahaha. I forgot the other ones we thought up.
That night I dreamt of the stars. They were bigger than ever, and I felt so moved I almost cried.
This day made my week. It made my following days too. I can't help but grin when I think about it. Heehee. Thanks, Vanny. I wonder how this blog post suddenly turned into a letter?
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Social Exchange.
When I climbed aboard the UP jeep this morning, the call boys sounded like tame seals bound to a performance of making a living. They bent over backwards. To come to think of it, life is a circus, and all of us are performers.
"UP! UP! UP!" They went, long after our jeep left the lot. It haunted me until my bangs slapped me back to reality. I am on the verge of cutting them again (or let them demote themselves into nameless strands on my head).
On my way to Biology 1 class, a girl walked towards me wearing the same pair of sandals that I was. She didn't notice.
Oh, now I remember:
The other day I played a note on my keyboard and all it said was GOODBYE. It's dead. I feel like I am being backed into a dark, tuneless corner. By who I cannot really tell.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
His voice was deep, rumbling, and dusty. He looked like a statue that had just awoken.
He told us that we could bring food and coffee, because our schedule was the dead hour.
He said dead hour three times.
Then he said, "We will do our best to keep each other alive."
He's pretty nice, like a shadow who smiles occasionally.
Like when he said that papers submitted after class hours are immediately credited a 60. *smiles*
Archaeology readings are filled with sentences like:
"None of these excavations, however, did much to advance the cause of knowledge about the distant past, since their interpretation was still within the biblical framework, which insisted on a short span for human existence."
"It was now widely agreed that human origins extended far back into a remote past, so that the biblical notion of the creation of the world and all its contents just a few thousand years before our own time could no longer be accepted."
"Nor does the recent debate in the United States on "intelligent design" seem helpful; it is no more than an update of traditional arguments for the existence of God, modified to avoid the identity of the designer--it is not science."
>____> meh. He said that our papers have no page limit, so as not to "curtail our..creativity." I think I'll have a lot to say.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Something Happened.
"Hm? What for?"
"For my skateboard components."
"Ah. That's easy..*tells me how* How much does it cost?"
"*mumbles amount*"
".....What do you think you're doing??"
Not exactly what happened, but you do get it, don't you?
In the end, the Kaiser Fund was confiscated (NOOOOO....) and placed behind an impenetrable wall called Savings (NOOOOOO.....kay. Okay, okay. Fine..savings, yeah.)
And now I don't know what to do.
Currently I'm comforting myself with the thought that
--perhaps Kaiser might be the cause of an accident that would break both my hands, hence forcing me to cease drawing, playing the piano, or engaging in the simple joy of rock-paper-scissors.
After such perusals, I feel only relief.
And now Kaiser sits forlorn. What to do..what to do..I can either:
A. Store Kaiser in my closet until I have my own income, then proceed to buy the components I need and go off into a great adventure.
B. Sell Kaiser and proceed to make a business out of painting on skateboard decks.
C. Store Kaiser and find a job and at the same time try to sell Kaiser and go with whatever comes first.
I'm leaning towards C. This is just a slightly unpleasant heads-up.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Blue Thumbs
You probably aren’t interested about how long we stood in line, or how bad our “lumbar area” (c/o Tim) felt after a while, or how amusing it was to see people uniting in riot (okay, so it wasn’t really a riot. Just a civil complaint against people cutting lines), so I won’t bore you with it. Um…except maybe that last bit about the riot, but later, later, my dear.
Last night Ryan texted me and asked if I’d go with Tim and him to register. He plans to leave at 6AM because “3 am may nakapila na raw =s” I didn’t mind. It was about time for me to re-wind up my circadian rhythm anyway. So I agreed.
Today I woke up at about 5AM, snoozed (twice, 9 minutes per snooze) until I couldn’t afford to snooze anymore and took a shower. I wonder why they invented snooze in the first place. It’s not right. Afterwards, I had about 15 minutes left to fix breakfast. Let me tell you a secret.
Onion Omelette
You need about half a big onion and a scrambled egg. That’s an okay ratio.
1. Slice onion into thin wedges.
2. Toss into a hot pan of oil. Wait a little and then
3. Pour in eggs. (It would help if you add salt and pepper into the scrambled egg beforehand.)
4. Flip. Voila.
How about that? Simple yet unbelievably delicious and healthy. (Mum taught me it.)
So anyway, before I could finish eating, the doorbell rang and I had to go. I left the rest for mum. (Later she texted me and said it was delicious. See? You must try making one.) Ryan was driving. Apparently, he is also pro-Erap. I don’t know yet who to vote. I used to like Chiz, but I realized too that I hardly knew anything about him (must gather intelligence).
The Comelec people were nice. I felt like they especially stored up extra patience in preparation for this day. The first one I met called me Darling. Another one called me Popo (actually, that wasn’t very nice, but I don’t think she meant anything). Most of them smile a lot and joke with the registrants. Ah, the Philippines.
Later on, we saw Wendy with her sister, Wynette. It was very nice to see a familiar face amongst the strange hundreds.
While waiting in line, we met a certain Mr. Roy, who was waiting for his daughters to finish. He asked what Ryan’s name was.
“Ryan Uy.”
“Uy! Ryan Uy, okay yun a. Alam mo may kakilala akong technician na Ryan.”
“Oo! Pag may idadala akong appliance sa kanya, sasabihin ko: Sira yan! Eto din, sira yan!”
Then he asked Timothy:
“O, etong Intarmed, anong pangalan mo?”
“Tim Lim.”
“Wow, Tim Lim. You know there’s a TimLim between ______ and ______.” (Forgot what he said.)
Afterwards, Tim said he thought it was corny (woah!) Mr. Roy didn’t ask me what my name was, but it’s fine. He might not be able to come up with anything funny with it (except maybe Popo again, and I’d do my best to laugh if he did). He was a really nice guy. He taught us how to eat lunch properly while on a line, how to make a business out of the elections, how to tell if someone’s gay, why gays are good for his fruit business, etc., etc. Neat stuff. He was very helpful, too. A lot of people thought he was with the comelec office.
After a while though, people got a bit tense and jittery and were being unfair in the lines. Over the PA system, you’ll hear:
“Hindi po ito basketball na puwedeng magsubstitute. Hindi rin po ito restaurant na puwedeng magreserve…” Heehee.
Sometimes (or a lot of times, rather) they let people into the building (the one we were all lining up for) for no good reason at all. The woman behind me recorded those instances on video. I pity the guard posted on the gate of our district. From time to time, people from the back of the line would come up to the front where we were and mob him with complaints. He avoided their eyes and responded only to well-meaning inquiries. Then the woman behind me threatened to expose the videos to news networks if he won’t stop letting illegitimate people in. The guard actually looked at me for support.
“Pinapapasok ko lang ang may stamp,” he looks at me. “Ipakita mo ung stamp mo, iha.”
That wasn’t the point the people were making. Because they were against illegitimate people entering, not legitimate people like me. So even though I put up my arm a little, nobody paid attention to me. I’m sorry, Mr. Guard.
To while away the time, we played mental HESIA (why was it called that again?) It was Ryan’s idea to play that. Then Ryan lost and asked us why we were playing mental HESIA in the first place. We also played “Guess What Animal/Person/Disease (c/o Tim) I’m Thinking Of.”
Answers were: Caracal, Michelle Abigail Tan, Mrs. Bautista, and Bulimia. Nobody got Caracal :(
All in all, it was an epic day. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.
Afterwards my sister texted and asked if I would accompany her to register tomorrow. I hope she’s kidding.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Wish You Were Here.
I like October a lot. Aside from my birthday being in it, this particular October has been pretty special. (And I surmise that it is God's endearing little surprises for me, for it being me birthday month and all that.) Hee hee.
I have a lot of Happy Days. Days I just can't risk forgetting and losing. And so, to share my happiness with the rest of humanity, I will ingrain it all in the immortal annals of Multiply. (Tumblr, originally, but they were down.)
Life Goals.
It was last Saturday when finally, my Saturday morning class met its end. The CAD exam was easy (thank you, bloody CAD project, for sufficiently preparing me), and I left the hall singing and skipping ever so slightly.
I went home for a quick bite and met up with Mike for church. When we got there, lo and behold! There was Bernard with my skateboard deck! (Sorry for not honoring honorifics. I mean no offense. I am not very used to them.) I asked him if he could buy a blank deck if he sees one, and I suppose they have bazrillions of them in America, where he went. Hoho. One of them found its glorious way here, into the hands of a very thin, eager-eyed girl. Kaiser (my new wooden pet) will be out and about as soon as I find the proper parts, hopefully before the next year starts <3 Thank you for all who have been supportive of this (potentially crippling, but nonetheless) delightful endeavor.
I also discovered that the piano in C1C2 at church is very, very much like the one at home. Perhaps I can go up sometime (or many times) and see if the room isn't locked.
After fellowship (where we had this icebreaker sort of thing, and for some reason I cannot fathom, I was embarrassed all throughout), I decided to go home and have a better look at Kaiser. Sharon-tsi and and the other people were kind enough to accompany me and Mike over to the trike stop. They are all very nice.
So both of us were walking home when suddenly I saw this really fluffy thing on a leash, bobbing up and down.
A husky.
My heart always stops when I see one. I hurried to catch up with it and guess what: I GOT TO PET IT. I won't ever forget how it felt. The husky kept licking at me too. So utterly adorable. I spent the rest of the day grinning.
You Gain Strength, Courage, and Confidence by Every Experience in which You Really Stop to Look Fear in the Face.
That's what Natalie-tsi quoted to us during one of our Leadership Talks (Fridays 7pm, in one of the Fellowship Hall rooms). I've always thought that if you wanted to see what fear looked like, all you had to do was to look in the mirror.
Not always, I suppose. Last Tuesday, it took the form of a monolithic, open air, public bus. (Not that I faced it head-on, or anything.) Me and Vanessa met at school (if I remember right, I only had my morning class, and we just loitered everywhere, met Don and talked about religion), and inevitably had to go home.
So, there we were, at the Philcoa stop. And there it was, looming towards us. Ill-omened, a dark cloud of despicable-ness trails behind. The noise of a thousand buzzards fill the street. We were going inside the creature's carcass. I exaggerate. We hailed it and climbed aboard.
I've never truly been in a bus before. The youth camp Island Adventure didn't count--that was a decent, well-scheduled affair. But this. The spontaneity, the sheer wildness of wind and inertia and metal and people looking at you and you not knowing where to sit when the bus is already moving at 70 kph..exhilarating.
(I rode the bus twice this week.)
End of Semester Celebration.
Technically, I'm not done with my semester yet, but Vanny and I thought it would be a perfect day for a picnic.
October 16, Friday.
That day I woke up accidentally at 5 AM and saw that the sky was a bright aqua. It looked so alien, but I knew it was the same sky I've been looking at since I can remember. I tried not to go back to sleep because I wanted to remember how it looked (and I thought that maybe the sky swirls in colors when nobody's looking) but after a while it settled back into a normal gray-blue.
I woke up for real and got ready for my Russian exam.
It went great.
She brought picnic food and off we went to the spot I shan't be telling. (If you are curious enough, I can bring you there, but only if you ask nicely.) It had exactly the type of music I like (old) and it had cats. I felt that I could live there forever. We talked about God and how sometimes we get confused about what He really wants for us (I remember one time praying to God: I do not understand You!) and we added in absolutely anything that came to mind.
Then we went cat-hunting. But I'm telling you, they hide from me! :( All I wanted was a cat to bring home and love. Someday, cat, I will find you and you will be loved.
It was 4:15. Guitar lessons begin at 5, at church. We hurried home (took the second bus of my life, felt better) and got home at around 5. I was offering internal apologies to Lawrence, who was expecting us for the lessons, I think. Sorry again for being late. For some reason, I can't say it directly to you. And finally, we played a little Gymnopedie on the piano for Vanessa. She laughed at our efforts.
I accompanied Vanny to the trike stop, all the while singing Gymnopedie (she the left-hand tune, and I the right) and when she left I was left to sing it by myself on the way back.
A Little Reunion, and a Seemingly Insignificant Witness.
After Leadership Talk that night, I went out a bit for a bathroom break before Bible Study started, and I saw my sister walk in the fellowship hall. I pinched her and she tickled me and I forgot when I saw her last (maybe that morning, but I felt it was so long). She dragged me here and there, and made me carry her bag, and I was just grinning all the while. When we parted, I saw the nice lady who works at the church smiling at us. It made my heart soar.
I love October, and I'm glad there's still a little bit of it left.
Monday, October 12, 2009
They bow under the wind and under my weight.
The leaves riot in a warning as the limb bends.
It bends.
And it does not matter.
The wind meets me and the ancients offer me a spindly hand.
But I do not take it.
Instead I try to grasp at the wind and feel myself fall away--
Or rather,
I see the trees and field fall away as I am--in my astonishment--carried up and up.
(Like a balloon, except I wear a shirt, jeans, and sneakers. And I am oddly shaped.)
I see the cats on the red rooftops, with clouds in their eyes, thinking it was giant silver fish.
For how long I carry on like that, I do not know.
But it gets colder and colder until the roofs and the buildings turn into hazy little dots that fade
Out of sight.
Then the wind makes a dreadful mistake.
It stops blowing.
I tumble headlong down the sky --for I am not a balloon but a girl--with nothing to cling to.
{9.8 meters / second, theoretically, in a vacuum.}
As the blur of a world became more and more of what I knew it to be,
I close my eyes and try to think happy thoughts.
But all I can think of is dying.
It felt like a really, really long time.
Then I stop falling, just like that.
I look around and find myself still intact, standing on the pavement of an unfamiliar neighborhood just as you turn round the corner.
I smile back and try to find my way back home.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
An Account.
Loud voices (panicked or excited, I cannot tell)--they find their way into the room I am in and cause me to look down at the people milling about. The water rises and laps at houses.
I close the windows and draw the curtains down. The feeble light that persists through the dark heavy clouds are now but half-hearted shadows. Quietly, I close the door and sink into the old easy chair that my father loved.
Down I go.
I am sitting at the bottom of a great river. I hear nothing but the pockets of air as they make their way up to the skies. Above me, the river swirls violently; but here the currents are obliging. I curl up into a comfortable ball as the velvet seaweeds brush against my feet.
A nudge. Kind eyes look down at me and I knew then that things wouldn't be so bad.
I must be regressing.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Old Music.
It must be.
Why else would it break into the brightest grin each time you greet it in the dawn?
I see it wink at you discreetly in the dark, its eyes shining brilliantly with a secret.
Can you feel it as it whirls around you in the wind? It howls for you in the night,
It searches for you while you close your eyes and dream of better days.
Tonight the sky thunders in anguish. Torrents cut the seas in blind rage.
It must have been something you said. The rains follow you and hope you feel the pain.
You don't, though. With your boots and your coat, it is too easy to forget.
The storm pours on.
It reads like a psalm D: Anyway, there's still a verse after that, but it was awful, so now it's crumpled up somewhere. I wrote this last week, after listening to Herb Alpert's This Guy's In Love With You. Hehe, I heard it wrong.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
You Missed A Spot.
And the world sprung a leak in my umbrella, seeped into my robot shoes, and kept tap-tap-tapping on my shoulder.
(It was the world, but when I looked back, there was no one there.)
I wrote a poem and I put it in my pocket. I put it in everyone's pockets with my digital fingers. Lucky it didn't slip and fall into the puddle forming around my feet. You know how it is. How your words turn into soggy blotches that could mean anything. Unless the word was blotch, then that would be fine.
I write words to impress. I write words to impress but it's not working. It's always expressing something. Something I'd prefer to keep. But I can't stop writing. The world is too interesting.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Things Have Been Pretty Quiet Around Here
1. My one remaining Dragonfin, named Humphrey, died. I suspect the Koi mob he shares his tank with had something to do with it. They hog all the food and rasp at him all the time. I've been plotting against them for some time now, but I suppose fish know best when fishy things are happening, and they beat me to it. They left him torn and looking sad and neglected.
That night I dreamed about Humphrey. He was golden and fantastic and had these awesome feathers that glinted and shone as he swam around in a marvelous waterway that flowed up and over and through the house. I think that wherever he is, he is quite happy. Farewell.
2. The Smiling Machine Man gave me a book the other day. It was one I had been wanting to get my spindly hands on for a very, very long time. Not surprisingly, it is a Neil Gaiman creation. The Graveyard Book. It felt so special in my hands that I resisting finishing it off in one sitting. I managed to spread it out to three days :3 Felt like it was my birthday again, for three days in a row. The surprise was a very nice touch. Thank you, thank you, and thank you =D
3. I have discovered an island! Well, sort of. Long Island. It is full of rich foods that lavish the palate with flavor. Mostly pasta. Affordable too. It is somewhere behind the main library. If NISMED was my staple college food last year, now I believe it will be Long Island. I don't think I'll get tired of their Carbonara with Chicken for a long time. Just like how I munched on Pillows for about..two years in high school. I develop strange attachments.
4. On Monday there will be a rally against Ms GMA. Along Commonwealth. I wanted to watch the SONA (first one I'll be watching, supposedly) but Vanny asked if I would want to go to the rally instead, and I said yes. Now I'm not so sure. I read in the papers that they are mobilizing the military for crowd-control. And the picture showed a mock-rioter throwing rocks at the military men who were in a Spartan formation (was it Spartan? When they hold their shields up and look like a giant turtle?) Anyway, it was pretty pathetic. They don't need shields to protect them from civilians.
Also, someone once told me that: When you're afraid, that's when you know they're winning.
5. I love the library. You can read all you want and sleep all you want. And because libraries are found primarily in schools, transitively, I love my school. Unfortunately, I gave my ID to a fellow walking class student for safe keeping, and I forgot to take it back after class (we managed to finish before the cut-off time and I was so elated. My ID was quite forgotten). So now I can't enter libraries until I get it back, because the libraries are strict with things like that. I do not know my class mate's number, and the next time I'll be officially meeting with him is next next tuesday. When I realized that..I went:
But only silently, because I was still in the jeep. Please, if you are out there, give it me back.
I beg of you.
6. Today when I was walking in the campus, I saw Ralph on the other side of the street. He is a friend I know from church. He wasn't facing me tho, but I thought it would be nice to say hi, since I don't see people from church outside of church very often. So as I crossed the street, I tripped over one of the deflectors that are good for cars (well, not really, they make the ride bumpy) and not good for pedestrians. There are trips that you can disguise and trips that you cannot. This might be classified under the latter. Fortunately, as I said, he wasn't facing me. And by the time he noticed I was approaching, I had already retained my poise.
PS. I didn't fall flat in my face or anything, I just..sort of...staggered and flailed my arms a bit, not unlike a distressed fowl.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Janelle's 18th, As Friends with her Brother
Friday, June 5, 2009
My *_____* First Sem Sched
Time | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | ||||||
8:00 - 9:00 | Architecture 7 | ||||||||||
9:00 - 11:30 | Interior Design 10 | Architecture 7 | |||||||||
11:30 - 12:00 | Interior Design 10 | Russian 11 | Russian 11 | Architecture 7 | |||||||
12:00 - 1:00 | Russian 11 | Russian 11 | |||||||||
1:00 - 2:30 | Home Econ 101 | ||||||||||
2:30 - 4:00 | Communications 3 | Home Econ 101 | Communications 3 | ||||||||
4:00 - 5:00 | PE (Walking) | PE (Walking) | |||||||||
I'll probably take up some sort of part-time job or something. Piano, anyone? :O
Or maybe I'll get more subjects..Hmm... decisions, decisions...
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Isis with the Alopecia, a short fiction.
It doesn't bother me anymore. It did at first, and I wore a wig all the time until the lights were off and I'd take it down in the dark, where no one can see. But to take the wig down for somebody you felt close enough to was a lot harder than to just take it down from the start for the world to gawk at. So one day I decided not to wear the wig, and everybody thought that I shaved my head-hair off or that I was a rebel or that I was taking drugs. But I felt great after all that.
(Although sometimes when I dance I wear the wig so that people won't be distracted trying to see if I'm embarrassed dancing bald, and will just see the girl who can dance. Then when I'm done dancing I take it down and shock their socks off to Neptune.)
I drew Isis earlier in the year. It's medical again, but I think this is way cooler than Subtleties.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
A Blog of Nothingness.
I was supposed to draw Lucy at Starbucks today, but it got cancelled. She dreams of Percival on most nights, but he never spares her a glance. I am drawn to those kinds of stories.
It's the weather and the perhaps dim yellow lights in the room that brings out the pain.
Today my sister bought me ice cream, and it's a little bubble of memory that floats in and out among the sheets. I try hard to remember the taste, but I forget what happiness tastes like.
Especially when it rains.
School is a looming doom-cloud, in any weather. Bartholomew gave me a hug, and in that moment everything feels okay.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I Am Not Korean, As Was Suspected.
So um, we enter, quite awkwardly, and I try to figure out which theme fits because:
A. I've always thought it was some posh European cafe, as according to Wiki, Monaco is a small sovereign city-state located in South Western Europe.
B. They play Western pop, r&b, old songs, and the occasional rap.
C. They have a dodgy, downtown air.
D. The menu includes Korean, Japanese, and normal foods (just in case?).
I wasn't able to conclude anything. But we decided to order chapchae and the infamous bibimbap, which I've always thought was spelled beebeembap, and was a song you dance to.
We were served the Korean appetizers first.
It might be apparent to you at this point that I am not used to Cafe Monaco, or Korean food, but it was actually quite good (the appetizer), except for the fact that it was really really spicy, and I had to dampen my flaming mouth with water, which dampened my appetite just a bit as well.
My mom went *___* after taking a bite XD WE = N00B at spicy foods.
So after the rather eventful shot at Korean food, I was quite apprehensive about the meals we ordered. At some point I asked my mom what we were doing in there, to which she just continued to sheepishly chew her chapchae, which was a bit normal-er.
And so the Bibimbap came, and thankfully, it looked harmless. It's just that it had ketchup in the middle of everything, and I hate ketchup, so I gave it all to my mom. She had it with the egg yolk, and then she went *_____* because...surprise, surprise, it wasn't ketchup, it was the infernally spicy goo from hell. And I laughed.
I quite like Cafe Monaco, the waiter-who-does-not-look-quite-like-one was very nice. I'll just stick with the ramen next time :3
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I Eat Paper and I Drink Ink.
He couldn't decide what to put in at first. So I said Turdles, because turdles are epic. But he said they were girly. Feh.
And since he didn't like turdles, the next epic thing would be Superman, so that's how it was.
Yay! This took me about.. two days? Including the amount of time I kept putting it off because I really didn't want to mess up.
Admittedly, I am awful at drawing superheroes, but I seem to copy them quite decently. This was taken from a tacky writing notebook.
*scouts for more duct-taped instruments*
Thank you, Mr. Man-with-the-duct-taped-guitar! :D
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
People These Days.
A. They have yet to restock
B. WELL, apparently, some of the staff choose that particular time of the day to pick their noses right in the middle of the aisle. Goodness.
Seriously. I was looking for something for a pie I had in mind (cream), but where it was supposed to be was a big gaping hole of nothingness. Due mostly for reason A stated above. Luckily, there was a staff woman in the same aisle. I was about to ask, innocently, when they would have it, but I was just.. really... speechless, stopped in my tracks, confused, didn't know what to do... SHE was just KNOCKING HERSELF OUT, explicitly, vigorously, bare-handedly, and posolutely grossly...totally ignoring me (Don't I look legal yet???) And I was sort of ignoring her too, to spare both of us the embarrassment, which she didn't have, by the way.
I'm pretty much the type who avoids regret as much as possible, but I've lost sleep (not to mention blogged about it >__>) just thinking that maybe I should have stared at her considerably until she regained her manners, after which calmly proceeding to ask her where the tissue papers are shelved or something.
Sheesh, I am such a dimwit. What happened was I just switched aisles and returned to the alleged aisle to look for the ingredient on my own when I made sure she left. Talk about lame.
*Name of grocery omitted. I would like to stay considerate despite the episode.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Book for Sale: Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go at P250
Never Let Me Go is narrated by a 31-year old woman named Kathy. She's remembering her days at Hailsham, a boarding school where creativity and health were emphasized. None of the children have parents or surnames. She has rekindled friendships with Ruth and Tommy, friends from her Hailsham days. The three of them find they don't fit into society, that they're not been prepared for a normal life. The children of Hailsham are all clones, bred and raised solely to be organ donors once they're adults. Kathy and Ruth both fight over Tommy's attention, and he has fits of temper. The three of them, though, agree to hold onto each other forever, unsure of the future that awaits them. Kazuo Ishiguro's novel has received high praise with the Guardian saying, "This extraordinary and, in the end, rather frighteningly clever novel isn't about cloning, or being a clone, at all. It's about why we don't explode, why we don't just wake up one day and go sobbing and crying down the street, kicking everything to pieces out of the raw, infuriating, completely personal sense of our lives never having been what they could have been."
Contact me: +63922 833 1934 :D
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Feb Three's Adventure
Last year I'm afraid I slacked off making birthday cards and such, although I have been giving people it as an annual heart-and-soul gift ever since I can remember. But this year, since I've been meaning to keep an organizer so I can finally remedy the fact that I keep forgetting birth dates, I will vow to churn out chunks of more heart-and-soul to people I deem worthy of keeping them :D
But the adventure part of it all is that I rode Eldritch to deliver the turtle card! :D I'm telling you, you must ride a bike to somewhere quite far at least once in your life. You meet all sorts of people who smile at you (in a kind way), learn how to navigate and predict car behavior, feel the breeze in your hair etc etc 8D
Well, so it was tiring, but it's more fulfilling that way :3