Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Girl With the Hands That Can Touch the World.

I looked out of my window that night and saw the moon. It was like a silver coin that my hands can never hold, no matter how much I stare at it.

It glided away, upwards, as if it was filled with air instead of space rock. I, on the other hand, was still craning my neck when I realized that it was the right moment.

A life goal was within my reach.

I went outside and found the old wooden ladder in the shed. It was heavier than expected.

Eventually, after knocking down things and after three attempts of climbing up, I got there.
I actually got there. Haha, I ACTUALLY GOT THERE!

I was on top of the world. Well, my world, for that matter. The surface was slanted, but I always suspected my view to be a little off. I saw what I saw from that night in the observatory, but slightly fainter. I looked at the moon for so long that when I looked away, it was still there.

Eventually, my fingers grew cold. And every movement I made resonated a deathly creak through the fragile sheet of steel that held my body.

I gingerly made my way down.

Today we found the kitten that was lost under the roof of the house. It is now nestled quietly on my lap. I can't think of a name yet, but I know someday the right one will just suddenly pop into my head.


  1. In retrospect, these are TWO life goals checked in one stone!

    Right moment, huh! You've been willing things to happen more often now! When you texted me how beautiful the moon was, I went out to view it too and found the neighbor's tiled rooftop, glimmering under the moonlight. How coincidental was that. (Didn't think you were literally on a rooftop; thought it was a penthouse or somesuch.) Maybe we were looking at the moon at the same time too.

  2. Perhaps.

    The cat was sent away tho.
    Boohoo. A life goal undone.

  3. Whaat?? By your mom again? Like what she did to the Kaiser Fund?? Noo! ARG! (Pun intended)

    When you get your own place...
