Thursday, September 27, 2007

My Mom's Leeheeving o_o

No, not forever.
Just for 10 days. To Taiwan. With her friends.
Leaving us with all the
All the while I'm dealing with my
Floor plans
Sketch models
I told her I didn't want her to leave because
She runs things here
She makes things go smooth
Finals are here
She's taking off on such short notice
Nobody's gonna drive me (which earned me a bad remark)
Now my mood is sour
All day
Because she's leaving tomorrow.
She scolds me
For using the computer for so long
And I retaliate with an excuse
And she goes upstairs mumbling
And I feel a little bit more useless
Useless o_o

Monday, September 24, 2007

Trash Bins Huddle Together

The cold stares and the impersonal gestures make this world a little too frightening.

They pick nice warm corners where they quietly watch people go about.

Although, sometimes, they, too, need time alone (when they need to think and assure themselves of self-acceptance).

Chasm of Papers

We are dropped in a pit made of clean, white sheets of paper.

They crunch as we sink a bit below the surface.

We flounder about until they are all below us.

I had three paper cuts. You had four.

We walk towards the bottom line of the cliff surrounding us.

A cliff made of clean, white sheets of paper.

We look up and dread more paper cuts, but there’s no other way out.

You took the first step, and I followed suit.

The edges were sharp, and the ledges aren’t sturdy.

We fell a few times.

I had seven paper cuts. You had nine.

We climb the cliff now tainted with a bit of red.

We now knew where we should or should not step.

Ten paper cuts for the both of us.

After a while, we reach the top—

We’ve reached the other side!

The paper cuts don’t matter anymore.

The chasm of papers will be forgotten

That is, until we have to climb out of one again.


Chasm of Papers—the chasm between now and semester break. Bloody papers.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


Today I died.

I'm not quite sure what happened, because first of all, everything passed by in a swift, hazy blur, and second, when you realize that you're dead, certain things do not quite matter as much as they did when you were still alive.

However, I do recall a few things, like the blind old man solemnly playing his guitar on the other side of the street. A sharp strike of pain. It was a hot day, and I was riding to somewhere along with a number of people.

I never expected it to happen. One moment I was just sitting, and the next thing I knew, I felt like my body was flying out of the vehicle. I blacked out for a few moments because of the impact with the gravel, but at least (and quite unnaturally) there was no pain.

When I came to, a strange setting greeted me. I was lying on the ground a few meters off a jeepney that people were fussing about. I examined myself, twitched my toes, and found no broken bones or even a single scratch. I concluded, too, that it was probably the reason why nobody was attending to me.

I stood up and dusted myself off. That day I wore my jeans and a shirt my friend bought for me from Vigan. It was a white shirt and I found it odd that it was clean all over.


I turned around to see a smiling young man, walking towards me. He seemed very familiar.

I replied back a greeting and asked him if he could tell me what was happening.

'Two people just died.'

I expressed a bit of surprise and muttered a few words of remorse. After all, it's never proper to take death lightly--even if it is a stranger's.

'Follow me.' He said. I looked at him as he reached out his hand towards me. In normal cases, strangers holding our their hands to me (no matter how familiar they look) and telling me afterwards to follow them would seem utterly preposterous. But I guess this was different. Everything seemed so strange, suddenly, that holding his hand was a very welcome thought. The day that started out as a routine took a wonderfully promising turn for the better.

So I took his hand. But still I wondered about what happened to the people who died. I peered about through the crowd--over shoulders and under limbs--to see a body wearing a white shirt and a pair of jeans sprawled over the jeepney seats and soaked with blood.

He tugged me away and said a little condescendingly that there are some things I don't need to see.

We walked.

Through the city, through the night, through the fields and forests and whatnot--never stopping for anything. We didn't eat, but apparently there was no need to. And for a while I felt a little inhuman to be able to walk for hundreds of miles and yet feeling like I haven't walked a single step. But once in a while, we'll stop and sit and talk for a while, and he smiles and I feel a bit more human again.

He said his name was Sid, and that he's going to take me somewhere nice, and that we'll get there after a few more days of walking.

We got up and walked and walked and walked... until we reached the end of the trail where we saw a spire twisting towards the heavens. Then he asked me,

'What's the one thing you have always wanted to do all your life?'

I thought for a moment. I set aside all restrictions, reasons, and practicality that used to hover about my head. I told him that I wanted to draw. And I made it extra clear that I didn't want to draft. Just draw anything I pleased and wanted to share.

I looked at him and saw that he was smiling.

'That's beautiful.' Were the whispered words.

He began to laugh, and I found myself laughing, too.

Then we reached the gates leading to the tower. He heaved a contented sigh and told me
'We're here. Welcome home.'


'Yes, home.' He was happy for me and it was contagious--I began feeling happy for myself.

So, now that I'm home, I ask, what do I do next?

'Nothing. You'll just draw when you feel like it. By the way, do you know what happens to your drawings?'

I shake my head.

'They appear in people's dreams.'

I thought that it didn't sound so bad and I told him so.

'(Laugh) You'll meet God in a while.'

Meet God?..Am I...dead?

'Oh no, no. You're not dead...not at all. This is only the first day of your life...

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Erasers hate their jobs.

That's why when they fall off the table, they escape and you never find them.

I Dreamt I Lived in a Cardboard Box

My very first model! :D I'm so proud of this!

That was what I was thinking before I saw GEO the Great's great model ._. Now I feel it's trash. But still... <3 nyahaha.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

My Arki Friends

I have a lot of plates to do.

But I felt this was really important. I mean, how am I going to do my plates without them??


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Face of Disgusting

I saw the face of disgusting today, and it was shiny with sweat and oil, tanned under the scorching heat and fumes. The bright yellow uniform it wore brought out the blackness of his skin and his intentions. A corrupted mind placed in a position of power, preying on people’s busy-ness and lack of time. In truth, he is powerless, and there are hundreds of ways to thwart his plans, but once you stutter, once you hesitate—he will take over.

He lives in pollution. He thrives in pollution. Among the fumes and garbage, surviving because of rationalization, not content with being content. Oh, he was disgusting. I looked upon him with disdain as his mouth spewed out slick, black, poisonous oil.

Hunger is evident in his yellow eyes. Pupils dart about, as if nobody is aware of what he is doing.

Everybody knows what you are!


Saturday, September 1, 2007

I'm glad I have something to do

1. enraged animals (ok lng sakin khet anong animal basta calm and well-fed sila)
2. ghost stories
3. horror movies
4. my imagination
5. merri ( :D )
6. suspicious people
7. hm... ano ba ang nakakatakot.. inhumanity haha

1. Neil Gaimans existence <3 meep.
2. dreaming :3
3. and just recently, Opera music :O
4. killing mosquitoes!
5. finishing my work early and watching people cram
6. randomnesssssss
7. telling people things that fluster them. nyahaha. i'm using my social intelligence to my full and utmost advantage >:)

1. uh..bed?
2. well, my ID's in there
3. also my over-hugged stuffed animals
4. let's see, there's also air
5. this is a pointless question. my fluffy and imaginary husky.
6. i mean, what do you expect to find in a room? oh.. some money
7. Neil Gaiman books!!!!

1. I'm bad at keeping pets. but i want one :3
2. did you know that whoever you are, you are connected to somebody else by only 6 people? like o_o i'm only 6 people away from Neil Gaiman!!!! That's called the 6 person theory (or something like that) <that's what i learn in geog class!>
3. I believe that Broobie exists. <3 and not simply by manifesting itself in cockroach form
4. I've been restraining my imagination for far too long
5. I have observed that high school is unhealthy for everyone. No, really...
6. the latest lunch I ever had was taken at 4pm
7. I don't like the way women are given the idea that the only way to be beautiful is to look like ... something.

before i die.. *_* that seems so far off..
1. secure an heir. lol.
2. learn to drive? i know i'd regret it if i didn't.
3. collect aaall of Neil Gaiman's works!!
4. (if i knew approximately when i'd die) i'd give everything..hrm, on second thought, maybe charity. Well, I'd be giving everything away if I didn't manage to accomplish the first agenda in ze plan hahaha.
5. eh..give somebody i secretly despise some arduous task so that when I'd die he'd like be in misery because he'd be bound by a dying woman's last wish.. like.. 'dont marry ____.' even tho he and ___ are like,..engaged haha lol. as if >:)

6. rent a husky
7. cut my hair short

1. i can force myself to spell my name wrong for somebody else's birthday :)
2. skip class >:D oh, everybody's doing it haha
3. know if you really mean what you're saying.. *insert weird alien sound*
4. bear with my 26.4 kbps internet. oh. 33.6 if i'm lucky. hahaha.
5. be really...really....quiet ._.
6. understand if people are insecure and sometimes (when i'm nice) i can humor them :)
7. but if they get too annoying, i can make them shut up, too >:)

1. memorize the whole consti in one afternoon + one morning. i know. i tried.
2. log in my neopets account. darn it. super dami ko pa nman naipon :(
3. swim o_o
4. stop my mind from stereotyping people
5. i caant teleport!
6. this is a depressing question! i can't dance o_o
7. i cant play the violin anymore :(

1. intellect definitely B)
2. if you're scheming and evil (towards others, not towards me ._.)
3. you driiive:D
4. passionate about music <3
5. really driven and goal-oriented
6. hm..if you can manage to look effortlessly cool nyahaha.
7. no splurging. no no no no.

1. grr
2. what?!
3. yey!
4. talaga?
5. oh..
6. hi
7. ahh ic.

1. Neil Gaiman!! lol. he's almost a celebrity
2. um.. wala akong kilala... ._.

1. Hannah Portugal
2. Pauuuuuuuuu Coherco
3. Mitch :3
4. Seraaah (tinag ka dn ni merri ah haha sort of)
5. GEO hehehe:D
6. Neil Gaiman o_o
7. Others. hahaha.