Tuesday, March 3, 2009

People These Days.

Just a tip. Never go to grocery stores right after they have just opened for the day, because
  A. They have yet to restock
  B. WELL, apparently, some of the staff choose that particular time of the day to pick their noses right in the middle of the aisle. Goodness.

Seriously. I was looking for something for a pie I had in mind (cream), but where it was supposed to be was a big gaping hole of nothingness. Due mostly for reason A stated above. Luckily, there was a staff woman in the same aisle. I was about to ask, innocently, when they would have it, but I was just.. really... speechless, stopped in my tracks, confused, didn't know what to do... SHE was just KNOCKING HERSELF OUT, explicitly, vigorously, bare-handedly, and posolutely grossly...totally ignoring me (Don't I look legal yet???) And I was sort of ignoring her too, to spare both of us the embarrassment, which she didn't have, by the way.

I'm pretty much the type who avoids regret as much as possible, but I've lost sleep (not to mention blogged about it >__>) just thinking that maybe I should have stared at her considerably until she regained her manners, after which calmly proceeding to ask her where the tissue papers are shelved or something.

Sheesh, I am such a dimwit. What happened was I just switched aisles and returned to the alleged aisle to look for the ingredient on my own when I made sure she left. Talk about lame.

*Name of grocery omitted. I would like to stay considerate despite the episode.


  1. oooh. that must have been... D: haha!

  2. gross indeed...I think you should've done something...but what the heck...I hope the cctv cameras capture what she's doing

  3. yeah. the most awkward moment of the year haha

  4. That's nothing; people call me a high school student all the time. You should've spread your arms around the nearest line-up of canned goods and pulled as many items as you can to the floor. Certainly the crash and bang would catch the grown woman's attention, and most of everyone else's. Also it would answer your could-haves and subsequently cure your sleeplessness.

    Is it Mighty Mart?

  5. Ewww. In La Mesa Park the woman in front of me (pila sa faucet/hugasan) was also picking her nose!! I had to force myself to wash my hands there after, because I don't want to have fish food smell on my fingers >

  6. I think... I think that would render me permanently insomnious, Vanny.
    Naw, that isn't it. Mighty Mart is open 24 hours.
    It's a clue! 8D

  7. well, looking back,.. yeah >__>

  8. hahaha! i hope i don't grow up to be like that.
    you know, not caring if people see me in undignified moments.

  9. *picks nose* I'm sorry, was anyone talking?

    That's not a clue. You've said it was morning! And I just wanted to mention Mighty Mart--it's mighty cute!

  10. lols XD

    *replies four months after*
