Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Something Happened.

"Mum, how do you wire money into an account?"

"Hm? What for?"

"For my skateboard components."

"Ah. That's easy..*tells me how* How much does it cost?"

"*mumbles amount*"

".....What do you think you're doing??"

Not exactly what happened, but you do get it, don't you?
In the end, the Kaiser Fund was confiscated (NOOOOO....) and placed behind an impenetrable wall called Savings (NOOOOOO.....kay. Okay, okay. Fine..savings, yeah.)

And now I don't know what to do.
Currently I'm comforting myself with the thought that

--perhaps Kaiser might be the cause of an accident that would break both my hands, hence forcing me to cease drawing, playing the piano, or engaging in the simple joy of rock-paper-scissors.

After such perusals, I feel only relief.

And now Kaiser sits forlorn. What to do..what to do..I can either:

A. Store Kaiser in my closet until I have my own income, then proceed to buy the components I need and go off into a great adventure.

B. Sell Kaiser and proceed to make a business out of painting on skateboard decks.

C. Store Kaiser and find a job and at the same time try to sell Kaiser and go with whatever comes first.

I'm leaning towards C. This is just a slightly unpleasant heads-up.


  1. D: poor deck, but it'd be pretty awesome to find a job! LET'S DO IT! Don't sell Kaiser, he's a labor of love!
