Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Warm Bodies.

I like your mute gray jeans.
On the bus, a woman regarded me with dark eyes
As she peeled the skin off an orange and
Thoughtlessly dropped it on the metal floor.
I felt something rough and heavy hit my shoulder
And I looked to see a glimpse of blue,
Its carrier struggling to conquer inertia
As we all do.
The bus stopped for a man. Stopped until he reached his seat.
I imagined that this man's life
Would be the kind that the world stops for.
Unlikely, to be honest with you,
But we should stop clinging to the lie
That everything is as it seems.
Sometimes I find myself spending time
Imagining opposites.

The summer days are about to end,
And in my head my thoughts are waking.

Wrote this today at the registrar's, where I sat beside a man who was applying for his masters. He urged me to take my masters while I'm still young. Endless thanks to Philip for helping me out yesterday. I hope your suede shoes are okay. Today I am finally super officially a student of the College of Home Economics! Boo CRS for resetting my pre-enlistment! Lord help me get my subjects back D:


  1. Love this line
    "I imagined that this man's life
    Would be the kind that the world stops for."

  2. Hello, Barbie :) shifted to Interior Design :D

  3. Lawrence :D I hope Davao is treating you well so far :)

  4. well, the world hasn't stopped for me yet. but it's alright

  5. congratumalations, eandra! :D like your work, as always :3

  6. It should. Eventually. Haha. Have a safe trip back! :)

  7. :o congrats! :D i think you'll do great in ID.

    ps. i iz liking your poem too.

  8. Heehee, thank you and thank you <3
