Monday, September 24, 2007

Trash Bins Huddle Together

The cold stares and the impersonal gestures make this world a little too frightening.

They pick nice warm corners where they quietly watch people go about.

Although, sometimes, they, too, need time alone (when they need to think and assure themselves of self-acceptance).


  1. lol. hahaha. where do you get these writing ideas? :p

  2. WItty ideas, as expected from mah servant. O= Now don't forget our primary objective, ayt? B) BWAHAHA. D=

  3. from odd things.. like trash bins o_o nyaha.

    hahaha! i am honored, my liege.

  4. I want to be a trash bin ^_^ they seem to be at home being alone ^_^

    great writing. ^_^ waiting for more hehehehe
